The journey towards Wholeness and Connection begins with a moment.
Simply breathe and open inward, then raise your gaze and listen to your surroundings.
Simply breathe and open inward, then raise your gaze and listen to your surroundings.
What is Transpersonal Wilderness COunseling therapy?
Simply put, it is the intentional incorporation of the Natural, Wild World in the healing process.
Transpersonal Wilderness Therapy not only involves counseling in settings that best suit the client's needs & preferences, but honors the unplanned, spontaneous magic and intelligent beings, as they become co-facilitators in the healing process.
In therapy, it is sometimes appropriate and preferable for people to talk through things indoors, in a comfortable, protected room. For these times, we meet in an indoor counseling therapy space in the Halifax area.
Other times, it is appropriate and preferable to be in Nature, while working through a therapeutic process: with your pet; in relation to horses; by the lake, ocean or river; walking through a secluded park; rock climbing; or working in the dirt in a garden bed. In fact, increasing evidence (see our blog page) shows that wilderness counseling therapy modalities are better suited for some mental health problems, such as technology addiction/over use, trauma recovery, anxiety disorders and PTSD.
Transpersonal Wilderness Therapy not only involves counseling in settings that best suit the client's needs & preferences, but honors the unplanned, spontaneous magic and intelligent beings, as they become co-facilitators in the healing process.
In therapy, it is sometimes appropriate and preferable for people to talk through things indoors, in a comfortable, protected room. For these times, we meet in an indoor counseling therapy space in the Halifax area.
Other times, it is appropriate and preferable to be in Nature, while working through a therapeutic process: with your pet; in relation to horses; by the lake, ocean or river; walking through a secluded park; rock climbing; or working in the dirt in a garden bed. In fact, increasing evidence (see our blog page) shows that wilderness counseling therapy modalities are better suited for some mental health problems, such as technology addiction/over use, trauma recovery, anxiety disorders and PTSD.